A Learning Lab
A couple of years ago I read about a ‘year-long laboratory’ that Women’s Centre for Creative Work ran back in 2015. Over twelve months their team, and community, explored and played with a handful of guiding questions through a series of experiments and actions. The aim was to ensure their work and offerings were relevant, and importantly were continuing to shape the future they wanted to create.
I was really intrigued by this idea. The image of a laboratory conjured up an almost magical playground of experiments, questioning and multi-coloured potion creation 🧫🧪🥼
But, like many internet black hole finds, I tucked it away in the back of my mind somewhere. Filed under ‘might be useful one day’.
Until recently, a recently in which I have found myself more than a little overwhelmed.
On the one hand by the scale, complexity and urgency of the challenges humanity faces and an endless grappling with understanding what my role could/should/would be in shaping solutions (or adaptations?) and on the other hand a mind fizzing with ideas — plenty, playful and equally urgent. I know in my heart that I need to more myself, with gentle care, to a place of action, ideally with a side of accountability.
And so here is my idea — my own #learninglab. Maybe for twelve months, maybe less (or more).
A place of intentional experimentation, a place for questions that are explored with action and creation. A place for collaboration and importantly, a place to investigate my ideas out-loud with wiling co-conspiritors. Might you be one of them?
To break it down, as after all every big achievement is a series of small steps, I have decided to create a series of steps.
Step one: Invite 52 people to share a cup of tea with me.
Another idea borrowed from an internet black hole. Invite 50 people for a coffee (I shouldn’t drink coffee, so tea and I added two because I like the symmetry with weeks in a year)
Human beings create and convey meaning through stories and conversation. I know I think best out-loud and this feels like a good way to share my ‘problem’ — a problem shared, is a problem halved right?
I’ve started. I had the dreaded first-call-with-someone-you-don’t-know, and it was wonderful.
Sounds interesting? You can read more about my plans here.